Public Service Announcement: Many Pharmacies Have Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccines
If You're a MAGAt, Feel Free to Ignore this Post and Die

I got my Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) booster shot yesterday afternoon.
When I was growing up in the 1960s, my parents had been told “Let your kids get measles, mumps, and other childhood diseases like chicken pox now, when it’s not going to do them any real damage, and they’ll never have to worry about getting them as adults when they can be dangerous!” So, we all suffered through measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, and were told what our parents were told, and believed that “Hey, we’re bulletproof now, right? We’ve already had measles, so it’s not going to hurt us….”
I’m telling you this because Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (aka “Bob&Weave Kennedy”), is only a few years older than I am, and was undoubtedly given the same song&dance from his parents, who got it from their doctors. Unfortunately, that was—a “lie” suggests that the doctors knew better back in the 1950s and 1960s, which was probably not the case. It’s just that “permanent immunity” was the conventional wisdom back then when it came to those childhood diseases.
But it turns out that it’s wrong—you most certainly can get measles, mumps, rubella, and chicken pox as an adult even after having it as a child, and it’s every bit as dangerous to you now as it would have been if you’d never caught those diseases as a child! Mr. Kennedy, who is in no way, shape, or form a medical doctor, nor is his brain worm, still believes what he was told as a child and thus believes that booster vaccines are superfluous. Mix that with his deeply-believed but entirely unproven antivaxxer theories, and you have a belief that’s dangerous enough in a regular parent, let alone one who’s also in a position of authority over doctors!
So, if you believe a little bit of what I write out here? Believe me when I say to get your MMR booster shot as soon as you can. If you don’t believe me at all? Hey, go ahead and don’t—Hell Ain’t Half Full!
Thankfully, most pharmacies (especially the major chain pharmacies in many states) offer free or low-cost vaccinations for most diseases, including Measles, Mumps and Rubella. The most serious side effect you’re likely to experience is a sore arm for a day, and that can be alleviated by doing some simple exercises in the arm you got the vaccination in:
That’s assuming your arm even hurts the next day, which mine doesn’t.
Here’s a list of the major pharmacy chains and how you can sign up to get vaccinated for MMR—as well as the flu; pneumonia; shingles (that’s what “chicken pox for grown-ups” is called, unless it’s called “herpes”! 🙀); Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough (Tdap); Mpox (formerly “Monkeypox”, mainly a concern for older adults if you’re sexual active with more than one partner); and our old friend COVID-19:
If you don’t do it for your own health, do it to stick your thumb in Felon-in-Chief and Russian Asset Donald Trump’s eye.
Yes, I’m still tincupping—as I said to my friends the other day, “I’ve got irons in the fire, it’s just none of them have gotten hot yet!”
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Thank you DR for posting this helpful for everyone message. I for one, did not know we need a booster for Mumps etc. Got the shingles shots, first the single dose one years ago that apparently isn't as effective as the two dose regime now used. Got those last year. My son in law came down with shingles last year. He's only 46, stress can bring it on. He teaches 4th grade in one of SoCals economically depressed neighborhoods. He commutes 45 min one way to do this on our horrible freeways. So pay attention, it's not just an older person's disease.